One-Year Warranty
For products whose packaging is marked with our One-Yea r Warranty Logo when sold through authorized retailers, we warrant our consumer products to be defect free both in mate rials and workmanship that result in failure during normal usage. This warranty is extended to the original end-user purchaser, begi nning at the time of retail purchase. This limited warranty is the sole and exclusive remedy, offered in lieu of all other warranties, expressed or implied. Sonicake will not be liable for any indirect,incidental, or pun itive damages arising from use of this product.
This Limited Warranty does not cover:
Normal wear and tear
Damage to any non-Sonicake product used in connection with this product
Misuse, unauthorized modifications, and external causes such as acts of nature
Damage caused by accident, abuse, misuse or modification of the Product
Scratching or surface damage to any non-Sonicake product
Lifetime Warranty
For products whose packaging is marked with our Lifetime Warranty L ogo when sold through authorized retailers, we warrant our consumer prod ucts to be defect free both in materials and workmanship that result in failure during normal usage.This warranty begins at the time of original retail purchase, and is extended to the original end-user purchaser. This limited warranty is the sole and exclusive remedy, offered in lieu of all other warranties, expressed or implied. Son icake will not be liable for anyindirect, incidental, or punitive damages arising from use o f this product.
This Limited Warranty does not cover:
Normal wear and tear
Damage to any non-Sonicake product used in connection with this product
Misuse, unauthorized modifications, and external causes such as acts of nature
Damage caused by accident, abuse, misuse or modification of the Product
Scratching or surface damage to any non-Sonicake product
No Other Warranties
To the maximum extent permitted by law, this warranty and the reme dies set forth above are exclusive and in lieu of all other warranties, remed ies and conditions, whether oral or written, express or implied. Sonicake specif ically disclaims any and all implied warranties, including, without limitation, war ranties of merchantability and fitness for a particular purpose. If Sonicake cannot l awfully disclaim or exclude implied warranties under applicable law, then to the exte nt possible any claims under such implied warranties shall expire on expiration of the w arranty period. No Sonicake reseller, agent, or employee is authorized to make any modif ication, extension, or addition to thiswarranty.
Making a Warranty Claim
You can begin a warranty claim by contacting our Customer Service Team.
Sonicake will, at its discretion, ship a replacement to you postage paid. All returns and warranty claims must be acknowledged and approved by Sonicake before sending the product to us. Sonicake reserves the right to send you a replacement product that i s the same or of a similar style, or a substitute equivalent that may not be of like kind. Re placement products are warranted as above for the remainder of the original applicable P roduct warranty period. If the product is exchanged, the replacement product becomes you r property and the product becomes Sonicake property.Sonicake is not liable for Products that are damaged or lost in transit to Sonicake if shipped other than with our prepaid return label.